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C.NRT (Clinical Nutrition Response Testing)

What is Clinical Nutrition Response Testing?

Clinical Nutrition Response Testing is based on the Nutrition Response Testing and morphogenic field technique. Clinical Nutrition Response Testing is a cutting edge, scientifically verifiable way of assessing what areas, organs and glands of the body are energetically low and are not functioning at their highest level.  When these areas are addressed and are provided with the right nutrients through testing, the body can begin to heal itself.  It really is a very simple, yet very accurate system of using the body itself to determine what areas of the body need support and then providing those areas with what is needed to be able to heal.

Clinical Nutrition Response Testing often allows us to deliver breakthrough results, even to clients who have been chronically ill for many years. We utilize Clinical Nutrition Response Testing to identify:

-Toxicity (metal, chemical and radiation)

-Candida and parasitic infestations

-Hidden bacterial and viral infections

-Primary reactions to foods, chemicals and other substances

-Weak and malfunctioning organs

-Nutritional deficiencies


  1. Through an analysis of your body’s reflexes, we help you to determine the exact nutrients you need to supplement your diet in order to bring about balanced and improved health.

  2. We make these highly concentrated therapeutic formulations available to you in tablets, capsules, or in powdered form to “supplement” your current diet.  That’s why they are called “food supplements.”

  3. Depending on your individual situation, we may also require that you make some specific changes in your diet & eating habits and in your routines in order to bring about the best possible results..

An analysis of your active organs / areas will be performed on each follow up visit. Often these follow up visits also reveal additional layers of dysfunction. These can then be addressed in the correct sequence for your body. Nutritional deficiencies or imbalances lead to a breakdown in resistance, or immunity, and a loss of the ability to cope with environmental stresses (chemical, microscopic, or otherwise).  The good news is that it may be possible to reverse the process!

What could be more natural?  What could be more correct?  Each cell, tissue, and organ in your body is in the process of replacing itself every day, month, and year.  The health of each organ is dependent on making the correct nutrients available to upgrade or to maintain the health of the body at a cellular level. With a correctly done NRT analysis, we can determine the correct food supplements for you – designed to give your body the best possible chance of getting well and staying well.

Healing through nutrition involves basic diet changes and supplementation to that diet. Nutritional recommendations vary from person to person. It may take a few weeks to discover what your body likes the best. When we figure out what’s best for you, you will feel better, your weight will normalize, and you will function better.

If you have been ill for a long time give adequate time to recover and achieve health. For example, if you have been ill for twenty years, it may take six months to two years to recover. There is a real difference between what it takes to heal and just covering up symptoms with drugs.

Although every case is unique, most patients report significant health improvements within 4-6 weeks. The fastest recoveries are from those who have closely adhered to the recommended nutritional program and visit schedule. Your progress will continue to be monitored and your program will be adjusted as you recover and additional layers appear- ultimately revealing and addressing root causes and restoring health naturally over time.

With allopathic medicine a disease is identified and a specific protocol is used. Healing is different. There is no single plan or protocol that will effectively treat everyone.

We treat patients, not conditions. We give you what you need to restore your health.

Working with an advanced trained Nutrition Response Testingâ„  practitioner ensures you receive comprehensive and specific corrective recommendations with supplements and gradual diet modifications. The practice of rational intervention is a strategy to not only resolve specific symptoms, but to also increase vitality and joy. Most of our physical conditions respond and may even fully resolve with specific nutritional support.




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424-274-1641 (Text)

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